
TJ Valve Tray, TJV tray, is one of NewTianjin's unique product. It'a simply and improved valve tray with guiding holes on the valve. It provides better vapor/vapor distribution. And, it provides a minimum opening at any case because of its unique structure.


Special features:

(1) The throughput of TJV tray is 30% higher than normal valve trays.

(2) The efficiency of TJV tray is 10% higher than that of normal valve tray.

(3) TJ Valves are not easy fall off or locked.

(4) It provides a minimum opening at any case because of its unique structure.

(5) Preferred for high fouling system like the pre-column in alcohol plant.

polished TJV tray

TJV tray, top view

polished TJV tray

TJV tray, bottom view


Feature curves of TJV tray.



Tel: (+86) 22-2741 0889  Fax: (+86) 22-8789 1666  Address: 12th floor, Bldg. A, QingXin Building, Nankai District, Tianjin 300193, P. R. China (On the Southeast of the cross of Changjiang Road and Nanfeng Road)

Website:      //peornomin.com     E-mail: xtj@peornomin.com

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