
Quite a lot of hi-tech tower technologies developed by our New Tianjin T. & D. Co., Ltd. were widely and successfully applied in petrochemical, refinery, fertilizer, fine chemical, pharmaceutical, metallurgical, and other industries. We supply very important means for various enterprises to solve the problems of capacity increasing, energy saving, cost reducing and so on. Some of our sample applications are as follows.

Rectification of ethylbenzene/styrene (EB/SM)
Applications in oil refinery
Rectification of alcohol
Application cases in nitrogen fertilizer industry
Absorption of formaldehyde
Fine chemicals field
Separation of high purity material
High  efficiency mist & drift eliminators, TJCW demister

Rectification of ethylbenzene/styrene (EB/SM)

Styrene is a kind of temperature sensitive material. The difference of boiling points between ethylbenzene and styrene is only 9°C. Normally the column needs 80 theoretical stages to meet the demand of styrene at top less than 2 percent and ethylbenzene at bottom less than 1000ppm, which belongs to precision fractionation. In China except a few import styrene plants almost the others were designed or revamped by our company.
For instance 30 thousand tons per year SM plant of SINOPEC located in Fushun Chemical-plastic Factory, the EB/SM separating column was designed and manufactured by us. High efficiency structured packing and novel internals were used in this packed column. At the column head actual concentration of SM is less than 1% and at the column bottom EB is less than 400 ppm, which is far beyond the design specifications. This project was appraised by experts organized by SINOPEC in November 1996 and has been awarded SINOPEC first prize of "Science and Technology Progress Prize".
In September 1997, the EB/SM separating column of 60 thousand tons per year SM plant imported from U.S.A. in Qilu Petrochemical Corp. was reformed by us. After reforming the top SM concentration reduced from more than 6% to less than 1% and the bottom EB from 2000ppm to less than 1000ppm. This project was also appraised by experts organized by SINOPEC in May 1998. In 1998 with the same technology we revamped the same capacity of 60 thousand tons per year SM plant in Yanshan Petrochemical Corp. We even got more successful results.
In September 1998 we signed contract with Dalian Petrochemical Corp. to design and manufacture tower packing and internals for its EB / SM separating column of 100 thousand tons per year SM plant. In November 1998 this project passed through experts' appraisal organized by SINOPEC, which is now under construction.
Besides above-mentioned projects, our know how in this field also has been applied to diameter of 2-meter and 2.4-meter columns in Danyang Fertilizer Factory, 1-meter diameter column in Yueyang Terylene Factory, 2-meter diameter column in Nanjing Jinlin Petrochemical Corp., 3.2-meter diameter column in Organic Synthesis Factory of Jilin Chemical Industrial Corporation.

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Applications in oil refinery

There are many opportunities in oil and gas processing industry for using structured packing to increase capacity, improve product quality, save of energy and reduce operating cost.
For example the revamping of vacuum tower with structured packing may result in advantages as follows.
(1) increase the VGO yield,
(2) economize on diluting or stripping steam,
(3) lower the flash temperature, and hence the cracking rate,
(4) wash out organometallic components ( Va, Ni ) and carbon residue in wash section at lower liquid rates.
The diameter of 2.4 meters lube oil vacuum tower in the No.3 Oil Refinery of Fushun Petrochemical Corp., after reforming by our company due to the superior separation performance of the packing the ASTM 5-95% overlap was reduced evidently.
In absorption/stability plant of catalyst cracking system, with high efficiency packed column the dry gas will be even much drier, and more yield can be obtained, such as in Tianjin Dagang Oil-field Refinery, the No.3 Oil Refinery of Fushun Petrochemical Corp., Qingdao Petrochemical Factory, Henan Nanyang Refinery and so on.
Our unique WSY structured packing was adopted in diameter of 1.6 and 2.0 meters pre-fractionator in the No.3 Oil Refinery of Fushun Petrochemical Corp. After reforming both capacity and separating efficiency raised more than 40% comparing with before. And the same results as in a diameter of 2.4 meters heavier compound column for removing lights in Maoming Petrochemical Corp.
One meter in diameter solvent column in Tianjin Petrochemical Corp., originally was tray column for producing No.6, No.120 and No.200 solvent-refined oil. After revamping with structured packing by us, one side ling more was got to produce aromatic solvent-refined oil. The original stand alone aromatic solvent-refined oil column is shutdown and uses for other purpose.
In 1997 the high efficiency packed column was adopted in one-meter diameter 1-butene separating system in Organic Synthesis Factory of Jilin Chemical Industrial Corp. This project was excellent. In the same year our unique co-flow jet combined tray and improved MD tray were successfully used in the reforming of 1.2-meter diameter stripping column of aromatic extraction system, 1.2-meter diameter toluene/benzene separating column, 1.8- meter diameter depropanizer, etc., in the same above mentioned factory.
In 1999, during overhaul, the de-DME and de-MeOH column in the MTBE system of Gaoqiao Chemical Industrial Corporation were replaced with JCPT trays. The output increased from 20,000 tons/y to 60,000 tons/y.
In 2000, the Absorption-Stabilization System of FCCU of Dalian Petrochemical Corp. was revamped with JCPT trays. The process capacity of the unit enhanced from 80,000 t/y to 90,000 t/y, while the content of propylene in the dry gas reduced from 1.5% to 0.3%, energy consumption also decreased. 

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Rectification of alcohol

With our packed column technology we have successfully applied to the purification and recovery of methanol, ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, butanol, octanol and so on.
An annual output of 50 thousand-ton methanol plant in Nitrogen Fertilizer Factory of Jilin Chemical Industrial Corp., its methanol distillation column is valve tray column and 2.4 meters in diameter. After revamping with high efficiency structured packing the capacity raised to 2 times as before, i.e. 100 thousand tons of methanol. At column bottom methanol concentration was reduced from 2~3% to less than 0.1%.
Besides, we have successfully done the reforming design or manufacturing for methanol distillation, methanol and ethanol recovery equipment in Chengdu No. 2 Chemical Works, Rubber Factory of Yanshan Petrochemical Corp., Nantong Agricultural Pesticide Factory, Shanxi Agricultural Pesticide Factory, Beijing Pharmaceutical Factory, Shandong Anqiu Fertilizer Factory and in the others. All these projects satisfied our clients.
Reforming of butanol and octanol distillation plants in Qilu Petrochemical Corp., Daqin Petrochemical Corp. and Jilin Chemical Industrial Corporation, and reforming of formaldehyde removal column in pentaerythritol plant in Zhangsong Chemical works were successful. The output, yield and hence the economical profit increased significantly.

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Application cases in nitrogen fertilizer industry

The high efficiency packed column were widely used in synthetic ammonia process by us, such as desulfurization, decarbonization, cuprammonium solution absorption, ammonia water absorption, situated hot water column, etc. All cases were very successful in the following near 100 enterprises, the biggest column was 4.2 meters in diameter:
The No.2 Nitrogen Fertilizer Factory of Qilu Petrochemical Corp., Nitrogen Fertilizer Factory of Jilin Chemical Industry Corp., Anhui Pihe Fertilizer Factory, Jilin Tonghua Fertilizer Factory, Shandong Dezhou Fertilizer Factory, Shandong Wendeng Fertilizer Factory, Shandong Luxi Fertilizer Factory, Heilongjiang Boli Fertilizer Factory, Hebei Leting Fertilizer Factory, Hebei Luannan Fertilizer Factory, Hebei Xincheng Fertilizer Factory, Hebei Yi County Fertilizer Factory and the others.
We have also successfully adopted our own developed high efficiency dedust technology into the top of granulating towers in Sichuan No.2 Nitrogen Fertilizer Factory and in the No.2 Nitrogen Fertilizer Factory of Qilu Petrochemical Corp. Both cases got very ideal results, not only more products recovered, but also the problem of environmental pollution overcome.

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Absorption of formaldehyde

More than half of formaldehyde productive enterprises in China has good business relationship with our company. Formaldehyde absorption column using high efficiency structured packing has the advantage of high capacity, lower operating cost, high product purification and less investment. Our know how in this field has popularized to Henan Anyang Plastic Factory, Chengdu No.2 Chemical Works, Chongqing Synthetic Chemical Plant, Sichuan Vinylon Factory, Jinan Synthetic Chemical Plant, Nanjing Meishan Chemical Works and other more than 20 enterprises.

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Fine chemicals field

In separation process of intermediate compounds of Shanxi Agricultural Pesticide Factory, Nantong Agricultural Pesticide Factory, Qingdao Agricultural Pesticide Factory and other similar factories, the use of high efficiency packed columns has resulted in good effects. For example the 2.6-meter diameter trimethyl ester distillation column had excellent results.

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Separation of high purity material
In p-xylene productive plant of Tianjin Petrochemical Corp., extracted mixture separating column was valve tray column and 3.2 meters in diameter. Design specifications were diethylbenzene content at column top less than 50ppm and xylene content at bottom less than 50ppm as  well. In 1996 during overhaul the upper part trays were replaced with high efficiency structured packing. The output increased from 70,000 tons/y to 90,000 tons/y, top and bottom products were all reach design specifications, while before they were far from demand.

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High efficiency mist & drift eliminators, TJCW demister

The novel demisters developed by our own are very useful and helpful in following fields:
(1) Entrainment separation at the top of distillation or absorption columns,
(2) Eliminating oil mist after compressor, which is especially important in reactor with catalyst,
(3) Eliminating mist and draft in waste gas treatment,
(4) Liquid entrainment removal for natural gas,
(5) Liquid entrainment removal for evaporator,
(6) Liquid entrainment removal for waste heat boiler.
The largest TJCW demister diameter is up to 5.4 meters.

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Tel: (+86) 22-2741 0889  Fax: (+86) 22-8789 1666  Address: 12th floor, Bldg. A, QingXin Building, Nankai District, Tianjin 300193, P. R. China (On the Southeast of the cross of Changjiang Road and Nanfeng Road)

Website:      //peornomin.com     E-mail: xtj@peornomin.com

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