
TJH Packing (Pulse Corrugated metal plates packing) is an improved new type Corrugated metal plates packing. It's  made up of metal plates with thickness more than 0.1mm. The normal types are TJH255, TJH355, TJH555 and TJH705.

sketch of TJH packing


Special features:

Relatively high number of theoretical stages per meter

Low pressure drop per theoretical stage 0.3~1.0kpa

Liquid load 0.2~200m3/m2·h


Preferred applications:

Vacuum to overpressure

For large-scale production

Raising throughput on existing columns


It can enhanced up to 30% throughput compare with the normal Corrugated metal plate packing.


Feature curves of TJH255 packings






Ø300 TJH255 packing

Ø3600 TJH255 packing

TJH type packing

TJH type packing


Structured packing ID13,000

Structured packing ID13,000

Structured packing ID13,000

Structured packing ID13,000


Tel: (+86) 22-2741 0889  Fax: (+86) 22-8789 1666  Address: 12th floor, Bldg. A, QingXin Building, Nankai District, Tianjin 300193, P. R. China (On the Southeast of the cross of Changjiang Road and Nanfeng Road)

Website:      //peornomin.com     E-mail: xtj@peornomin.com

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