TJCW Demister is one of our unique products. The working sketch of this new type demist is shown in Fig.1. It has been widely used in columns, evaporators, liquid-vapor separators, boilers, waste gas processing and compressor outlet for eliminating oil. It gets rid of the shortcomings of the traditional mist eliminators such as narrow operating range, low gas velocity, entrainment. Its operating range is about twice of traditional mist eliminators. The demisting efficiency of TJCW Demister is up to 100% for droplets of 5um or larger. According to the process, it can be installed in the existing equipment or made a standalone demister. The various TJCW demisters are listed below in Fig.2 and Fig.3.
Type explanation: For example: TJCW-2000-22 refers to a demister which diameter is 2 meter, separated in parts and installed from underside.
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