
Corrugated metal plates packings are made up of metal plates with thickness more than 0.1mm. The normal types are TJB125X/Y, TJB200X/Y, TJB250X/Y, TJB300X/Y, TJB350X/Y, TJB500X/Y and TJB700X/Y.

Special features:
Relatively high number of theoretical stages per meter
Low pressure drop per theoretical stage 0.3~1.0kpa
Liquid load 0.2~200m3/m2·h

Preferred applications:
Vacuum to overpressure
For large-scale production
Raising throughput on existing columns
In conjunction with heat pumps

Structured packing ID13,000

Structured packing ID13,000

Structured packing ID13,000

Structured packing ID13,000


Feature curves of corrugated metal packings are listed below.




The data and curves given in this page have been carefully worked out and can be regard as reliable. In general, the data can be transferred directly to apply to industrial installations. However, duo to multiplicity of products and their application, we recommend that the design of an industrial installation be checked by NewTianjin Corp.


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